Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
To those who made it possible
I need to take the time out to thank all of the people who helped me reach my dreams of going to Mozambique and be able to actually formulate and process thorough research. Without so many people, so many blessings, I would never have made it to Moz.
To Pastor Joao, Maria, Paulo and Joao Jr. Coreano. Without your huge amount of support and time spent with me in my day to day collection of research, I would have never been able to get around. You helped me with words, travel--everything. Thank you and I cannot wait for our reuniting to start health class!
To Adrienne Jamieson and Stanford University who put $2500 to my research and travel endeavors whilst I was in S.Africa and Mozambique. The dedication to allowing students to pursue their interests and research around the world is incredible and has transformed my thinking and future goal. Without your help, I literally could not have made it to Mozambique.
To the International Rescue Committee and the amazing opportunities I was gained access to because of my internship with them. The foundation in international health policy allowed me to ask the questions I needed to ask and to find the right people to talk to to get answers. Without their support and amazing work, I would have never been able to refine and formulate the research.
To my parents and brothers for believing in all of the crazy things I do. I can't believe you support me in romping around the world, seeking an adventure. Because of your unconditional love and support I feel safe and sound wherever I am. I am so blessed to have a family like you who will allow me to pursue anything and everything that gets conjured in this mind of mine.
Above all, to God. (I sound like I'm winning an Oscar or Grammy..haha) He's the reason I get to do any and all of this. He orchestrated my entire trip and blessed the whole way. Clearly, I would never have been able to manufacture the incredible access I had to human resources and otherwise. What was I doing in Mozambique to begin with? Well, it was definitely Divine Inspiration and Orchistration, because I could never have dreamed that up.
As I prepare for the next 10 months for my return to Mozambique, I ask that you continue to keep me in your thoughts and pray for Africa. There is so much that can be done. Please take the time out to remember what's going on outside of your comfort zones and seek it out if you can. Thank you for sharing this time with me and I'll keep you all informed of my academic progress for the year as to how the preparation is going.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Deep Breath - there is so much more to Mozambique than struggle

You know, I was thinking about it, and I haven't said how dang incredible this place is. The people are so friendly and incredibly cordial. The food is delicious. More seafood than I could have asked or imagined. Last night I ate a crab the size of a small dog. Never before have I had to crack a shell that was more like a bone--you can measure the shell thickness in millimeters, for goodness sake. The
feel is that you're in a place that not many people outside of here have experienced. As I was going through the villages, I was giddy seeing history. It was painted with bustling people going to purchase their locally grown vegetables. The markets sat below a roof of a mixed group of grocery bags and straw--all held up by dried pieces of wood. The experience is truly organic. Imagine visiting a place that you feel that an outside lens is seeing for the first time. Everywhere I went, I am truly foreign. You have no idea how amazing that feels. This land is theirs, their lives are theirs. They live amongst their own and have truly lived out their own lives. They do it all--almost completely void of American or Western influence. ahhh. so awesome. There are so many thoughts that I carry with me and take up every moment to tell my billions of stories. The experience that I had in Mozambique will never leave me. The amount of information that I have to share has quadrupled as I process more and more of the things that I've learned and experienced. I want to shout it from the rooftops and explain to everyone what I have within my head. SO,
I feel as if this is probably the best way to express some of the problems, collectively that I have seen here. Here is a series of conversations that talks about the problems that have been recorded. Thoughts together, and the dialogue begins. Here is what I aspire to continue to do from here on out until my thesis is written and everything comes together.
K: holy [expletive deleted] those kids are flipping out
6:18 AM me: i know!
they were so psyched
and i was just standing there w/ my camera
6:19 AM i was doing absolutely nothing but walking around there w/ the camera
6:21 AM i havent seen it yet, though
not since that day
i mean.. when i recorded it
and i cant stream videos here
internet's too bad
6:22 AM K: haha... they're definitely on the point of rioting
no idea what you did to elicit that respons
me: hahah
they just crave attention like no other
they sit in classrooms of at least 150 kids
6:23 AM and they are never individualized
they crave so much attention
each one of them just wants you to know their name
it's crazy
K: wow... what an awful existence
6:24 AM me: i dont know
i dont know, often what i'm doing here
but for some reason i need to be here
it's so overwhelming
no running water
5 doctors for 675000
no money
no education
no english
6:25 AM but they have the beach :)
and they have a warm climate :)
and really really really great coffee and cheap drinks :)
i have to focus on the good...but damn
the only commerce their is, is cocacola, cell phones
6:26 AM and then whatever restaurant is open
...and this is in the city!
craziness...but yeah...the rural areas are a whole 'nuther world
K: honestly i can't imagine
6:27 AM i've seen my share of sprawling, wrenching urban poverty, but never been outside of major cities
…FROM A CONVERSATION W/ “C”, talking about the problems with building up a common good,
Me: tellin her [my mom] about
and how the communist mentality here is really sad
b/c no one works together
esp ppl in positions of power
they're only out for themselves
it's sad
really sad
the local level are the only way this place is gonna change
C: power corrupts
me: to raise up ppl untainted
from the wicked powers that be
C: interesting
dang you sound like che
me: friggin communism did the exact opposite w/ the mentality than it was trying to aid
C: revolucion!
me: does that sound like che?
communism messed up the idea of the common good for everyone
no everyone in power is more individualistic than ever
it's the exact opposite of what they wanted
C: communism could never work because of the corrution of man
its a good idea in theory
me: but now it's left this country in such a terrible position
no one's willing to help anyone w/o some sort of payment
it sucks
they all expect something from you
whether it be money, food, power
it's crappy
there's no common good
C: so how do propose a change?
me: rise up the chitlins
teach them to work together
to help themselves
not wait for a handout
they also have a huge reliance upon aid
it sucks
C: so thats why you want to do like that education ministry. that makes sense
that would be awesome
me: precisely
but i had no idea that would be the solution
i was just tryin to meet a need w/in a small community
i never knew about this sort of mentality
for instance
we went to the university to find a local professor for me to connect to
just in case i need a local contact if i get the fulbright
someone to express interest in my research project and to say that maybe if i needed it, i could use their library or something
or ask them questions
i met the head of the community health dept
and he was like, to the effect of, 'that's all good and great, but what are you doing to help me'
and the whole point is to build a community health education
just for the people
and he was like, 'you need my help, so what will you give me?'
C: wow
me: and he's an educator!
totally crazy
C: like direct quote?
me: pastor joao tried to explain this to me
it's a war mentality
they all think this way
esp ppl in positions of power
it's just the way it is... it's the culture
C: that is sad
me: they all expect something
they dont just help you to help you
even the govt official we were with earlier on traveling in matola
C: no sense of an inate good?
me: we fed him and gave him $
C: wow
me: or else he wouldnt have continued to help us
there would have been no reason, in his mind to help us
that's typical
C: and what was he doing to help you?
me: there's no common good
i'm sure the innate goods are there
but they dont see how helping the whole community will, in turn, help them
very few ppl think in that way
they want immediate results or are trying to get a handout
another story:
sorry: he was taking us around to the other govt offices
and getting us into the offices of other important govt officials who knew him
it's totally about who you know and who has power
if you have power you can get around here
if not, you need money
and if you have neither, you're done.
another story:
i guess around the time the war ended
there were a lot more foreigners entering this country trying to help the people recover
anyways, i guess there was this group of italian dudes that raised enough money
the equivalent of like millions of dollars
to fix the road system
anyways, by the time they were prepared to do the roads and had prepared everything from
they got to
and they got nickeled and dimed and hassled so much that they finally couldnt put the project on
and they met so much opposition to the project
and everyone wanted a handout b/c they knew they had money or whatever
that finally they had to leave
C: they had to pay off all the officials?
thats crazy
me: no one saw that putting a road up would help everyone
and that it was absolutely necessary
to fix that first
and they ended up having to leave
the reason why one of the missionaries here met them
C: so are their roads really bad?
me: is b/c they flagged them down from the side of the road
an area they had all volunteered to live on
b/c they wanted to help
and they were just spending the money on buying passers-by café mochas
and such
b/c they didnt want the money to go to corrupt govt officials
crazy, right!??!
anyways, yeah, aside from the main highways and inner-city roads in
major potholes and such
C: so is hard for a missionary to stay there because of the corruption
me: i mean, it's just discouraging
b/c you wonder what really changes
b/c everyone's been here trying to help for so long
C: so is hard for a missionary to stay there because of the corruption
me: i mean.. missionaries arent really working w/ all of the corruption
most missionaries are working w/ the people
or trying to
i mean, that's the point
not to really work w/ the corrupt officials, i suppose
it's the foreign govts that talk to them the most
they have the money, remember?
C: they never get exploited for church earnings or anything?
me: not that i know of
i mean most of these dudes arent at the local leve
even the govt officials at the local level are really poor
their buildings are falling apart
their kids are still sick
they still have to live w/ the crappy hospitals
and lack of doctors
so i mean.. when we say corrupt... i mean.
it's a slippery slope
you wonder if their 'power' is somewhat of a thing that has been earned
like the guy we worked with
it was just understood that we would pay him afterward
that's his job
to take ppl like us around
C: almost a mob mind set
me: he provides us a service
and gets paid for it
C: mafia mindset rather
me: but the idea of it being a government, or common good
is not the thought process
it's not a collective uplifting process
yeah i mean, my mafia lessons have come from casino, scarface, the godfather and goodfellas
C: haha put lightly
me: so if it's that way.. i mean
C: do we have an embassy there?
me: yeah but that's another crappy story
so yeah we have an embassy
and the
basically because it's all aid money
the government has nothing
so 70% of the ENTIRE country's economy
that's 'growing'
anyways so yeah, we have an embassy
and like 90% of the money coming is from us
so there is a charge d'affairs
and he is the acting 'ambassador'
there is no one in line to be the ambassador
so basically no one makes decisions for this country
basically the charge d'affairs tries to delegate all of the decision making to all of the parties that are looking to him for answers
basically w/o an ambassador, they cannot do anything
and there is likely to be no ambassador until the new administration is in
b/c they have to be approved by congress or something really ridiculous that has nothing to do w/ the needs here
anyways, the workers here, like for USAID are friggin pissed off b/c they can't get anything done and practically all of them disagree w/ the charge d'affairs
and his incapacity to make decisions.
not to mention that their budget for 'health'
C: but he is still getting money right
me: which is what i was most interested is around $90mil
C: aid money i mean
me: yeah, everyone gets paid
so the health budget is $90m
yet the HIV/AIDS budget is $220mil
C: and what does that money go to
me: explain to me how that works?
so there's this lopsided spending
that the
to do its bidding in 'eradicating aids' by 2015 or whatever
however the hospitals here have no running water, no medical supplies, no doctors, no ambulances, no medications, no tools, no trained ppl, not enough educated people, etc etc etc
so when they only have $90mil that they must spend on "health"
and $220mil on HIV/AIDS
it gets extremely fishy
b/c all of a sudden you train like everyone to treat HIV
and there's no lines for that
and anyone that's HIV+ can go right into hospitals
and have like 10ppl waiting on them
but i have malaria or cholera and i have to wait 5hours to see a doctor or nurse or even get a bed
C: i see
me: then ppl are going to get pissed
C: and you could die by then
me: and wonder who has to infect them with aids for them to get some damn service
C: you made it make sense now
me: yeah.
C: it's kind of like get your priorities rigth
me: so there is absolutely no capacity for a program like hiv/aids who has a ton of money
but the rest of it cannot be uplifted with it
and we're trying to 'eradicate aids'
but we cant even get them a sanitation program
or teachers
or doctors
or running water?!??
i mean.. c'mon
i just wonder what the hell they've been doing all this time
w/ their millions upon millions of dollars
i was sitting in a conference room telling a USAID worker about the problems in Matola
he had no idea they had no running water after 11am
that there was ZERO sanitation program
i was sitting there telling him they had 6 doctors for 675,000 people
he had no idea
he had no idea it was that bad
C: oh my gosh
C: wow
thats seriously insane
me: yeah... it's seriously devastating
C: all bet
me: you wonder what the heck is happening
what we're doing with ourselves
as i sit here
and yet, they're happy
there's literally no water, C
no running water
you wanna know how it works?
there are people that make a business out of it.
C: it's so hard to imagine that
me: they go to the pipes that do have running water
C: pumps?
me: and they bring several large bottles
and they fill them all up
they usurp the water supply
and they sell the water
the people dont know if the water's good
it could be cholera-infested
C: wow
me: it could be unpotable, but it's all they've got
they have no choice but to buy it
C: and drink it
me: and they walk countless kilometers to get to it
C: and wash with it
me: exactly
C: isn't so hard to imagine no running water
we're so spoiled
what do we complain about…
Conversation #3 – In regards to Witch Doctors and Magic
me: oh yeah, i meant to tell you about sunday!
so we had church and such
and it was really great
so then afterward
we got together w/ all of the church leaders
and had a huge lunch
(i had to eat some sort of beefy tripe/insides)
so yeah after that they were going to do some more church building stuff
and before they left for that, the church leaders came up to pastor joao to ask him what they should do w/ the things they collected through the week
and i was like, 'what kind of things'
anyways, turns out the church members had brought some of their old relics that the witch doctors had given them for certain spells and such
so like there before me was like this huge pickle sized jar
filled w/ brown alcohol
and dead snakes
it was soooo creepy
as well as other jars filled with beans and other weird black stuff as well as some other random bottles and such
so they prayed and burned it all to get rid of the evil magic or whatever
Chris: wow
me: and i was like, 'wow...there is absolutely no way i can comprehend this'
I WILL RETURN TO MOZAMBIQUE. ahhhhh! Can't wait!

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Cholera threatens.
As I prepare for sleep the soft rain should gently rock me into my first visions-divine.
Yet, in this night, rain brings fear, for the water is what gives life, the water is what threatens, the water is what revives back.
If not in the physical, give time to the cerebral things that one with cholera cannot control--their own fate.
Think thoughts of clarity: mental, scientific.
Give time to thoughts of hope.
A plea never to be forgotton.
This creation,
this concoction
that destroys the lives of humans, comes from humans.
Clarity. Clarity of one part oxygen
two parts hydrogen
plus the chemistry of man.
Softest substance known to man and woman.
Harshest when the rain pours down, breaks down man.
it can be our greatest hope,
our greatest plague.
Pursuing the truth of the health matter

There is no possible way I can conclude the past two to three days. The days now run one into the other and it has been obscenely divine. It seems that each day has run into the other.
I have met NGO directors, city and state officials, trying to construct the picture of what goes on in the relationship between all of these actors, and how that plays out for the people.
Everyone seems to know what they think the problems are and what they want to see change. However, a lot of these goals do not coincide with the other.

My dilemma is as such: who has the best opinion on the matter? How do I decide what is best for a program when many different opinions within the same community and health work not decide on the most acute needs of the people? So many questions that I have time to answer. I'm so fortunate to make the contacts that I have.
In the past few days after visiting heads of NGOs (some called the best to work with from the government) have some of the most vague and detached strategies designed for the people. I dont know.. Maybe it's because they don't have to live in the communities they serve(?) SO many years of aid--I have to better understand their strategy. It's still not penetrating my mind...
In the past days I was able to look at the school situation as well and view how critical the need is for greater educational opportunities in general. Hundreds of students sit in front of a single teacher, listening intently. At least [?] these students are in a classroom. As I think I said before, 50% of the students have to attend their classes beneath a tree (pictured above). The hundreds of students sit silently and copy from the board--hopefully there is chalk. Hundreds. That adds up to thousands. And countrywide, millions.
And we thought education was lacking in America....sorry..there's no comparison. There is absolutely no comparing the situation. Nothing to compare one life in America to one life here. There is no comparing.
The kids are amazingly vivacious and beautiful. No really, the are flawlessly beautiful. A bias? I think not. (:
I finally visited the area in which I would be able to have my classroom. The people were amazing. I fudged through words and they all graciously smiled and welcomed my presence--with a faroff promise that I would return in a year from now, inshallah. So much potential exists for anyone here who wants to serve--as with many places--but truly, this is starting from nothing. I could not imagine a place with more opportunity to make a difference--such a vast difference by simply sharing the knowledge we have. Of course, it would help a ton if you spoke Portuguese. But, if you live in the U.S. and speak even an ounce of Spanish, you're a good portion of the way there. Any more skill, and you'll be fluent in 2 weeks ;)
After a two hour and some conversation with Pastor Joao last night at dinner, we concluded that technology will be our best friend in the process of bringing education to these people. Imagine what we could do with a projector, with a computer, with a printer, with a laminater, with an internet connection! The world is then Matola's! The whole world--at the fingertips of a rural living, twenty-something teacher in one of the poorest nations of the world. And, what? Dynamic education designated for the community. Plays. Community programs, designed, performed and produced by the community.
Okay, I'm not trying to write a 21st century manifesto and have a cultish way of saying--we must use the tools we can to make this world a better place, man. If not, what's the point? What is the point? What is the point? We can't take it with us. We're simply using it whilst we are here.
Alright, let's be honest, I'm writing this to be able to remind myself of all of this. Please please please don't read this and say, 'That Andreaperson is really practicing what she preaches'. I mean, we're human. Mistakes and humanness on the road of everything. Please, I just ask you, pick me up when I fall and when I doubt. I feel like this is reminiscent of Nina Simone "Misunderstood". Let's just hope, together, we can wring truth out of the words in our own lives.
Yeah, I don't know where this is going right now, but know that its been an incredibly eye opening time for me and phenomenally excellent for the research portion. I love Mozambique and God willing, I will return in under a year with a great plan to help the people. I have to be awake in 6hours...whoops.
I leave you with my doling of 15secs of celebrity--but only because they made me feel like a celebrity because they felt like one. Now they are! Celebs on your own screen. :) com amor